Gardening Plants & Flowers Shrubs

How to Grow and Care for Fringe Flower

Chinese loropetalum

The Spruce / K. Dave

Fringe flower, also known as Chinese fringe flower or referred to by its genus, Loropetalum, is a shrub or small tree with delicate, fragrant blooms. The notable foliage of these plants changes colors throughout the year from hues of red to deep green. Perennial in warm climates, fringe flower thrives in full sun and in acidic soils with good drainage.

Common Name Fringe flower, Chinese fringe flower
Botanical Name Loropetalum chinense
Family Hamamelidaceae
Plant Type Shrub, tree
Mature Size 6-8 ft. tall, 6-8 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Moist but well-draining
Soil pH Acidic, neutral
Bloom Time Spring
Flower Color White
Hardiness Zones 7-9 (USDA)
Native Area Asia

Fringe Flower Care

Fringe flower is considered to be a low-maintenance, hardy shrub. Here are the main care requirements for fringe flower:

  • Choose a sunny spot that gets at least six hours of sunlight, though fringe flower will survive with slightly less.
  • Prepare acidic, well-draining soil.
  • Water regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not muddy.
  • Fertilize initially upon planting, though regular fertilizer is not needed in the future.
Chinese loropetalum

The Spruce / K. Dave

Chinese loropetalum

The Spruce / K. Dave

Chinese loropetalum

The Spruce / K. Dave


Grow fringe flower in a bright, sunny location that receives partial shade during the later part of the day. Ideally, these shrubs should be protected from intense midday rays but receive morning sun.


Fringe flower requires well-draining, loamy, acidic soil that is rich in organic matter. A pH between 4.5 to 6.5 is best. To help retain moisture and suppress weeds, mulch around the root ball of a fringe flower shrub with 2 to 3 inches of compost, straw, or aged wood chips. 


Young plants should be kept deeply watered when it is hot outside. Plan on giving shrubs about 2 inches of water once or twice a week. Once established, fringe flower plants are relatively drought-tolerant. However, they grow best when the soil is kept consistently moist.

Temperature and Humidity

Fringe flower grows best in USDA zones 7 to 10, tolerating winter temperatures as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-17.8 degrees Celsius). However, in regions that experience chilly winters, it is recommended that Chinese fringe flowers are planted in areas that protect them from cold winter winds. 


Mix compost into the soil at planting time. Not only will the compost act as a slow-release fertilizer, but it will also improve drainage. This is important for a fringe flower shrub, which is susceptible to root rot. For the same reason, when you plant the bush, be sure not to sink the top of the root ball below the soil surface. 

If planted in the right soil, fringe flower requires little to no supplemental fertilizer once it's established. If desired, established plants can benefit from annual fertilizing in early spring with a slow-release, all-purpose fertilizer, or one that is specially formulated for shrubs. For the amount to use, follow product label instructions.

However, fringe flower plants that are planted in nutrient-poor soil will require additional feeding. Amend the soil regularly with organic matter such as compost, grass and leaf clippings, and manure (composted).

Types of Fringe Flower

The typical fringe flower has green foliage and white or off-white flowers. Other varieties have bright red or pink flowers and purple foliage that make this bush popular in landscaping. Here are a few favorite varieties with colorful blooms:

  • L. chinense 'Pizazz': grows 6 to 8 feet tall and wide, and features lovely plum-colored flowers with dark purple leaves.
  • L. chinense 'Burgundy': grows up to 10 feet and offers pink blooms with reddish-purple leaves that become greenish-purple in the summer, then bright red in autumn.
  • L. chinense 'Ruby': averages 4 feet in height and width with hot pink flowers and ruby-red foliage, plus it's a true dwarf, ideal for a nicely compact, rounded shrub.
  • L. chinense 'Ever Red': grows about 5 feet high and wide with flowers that bloom a true red with burgundy leaves.
  • L. chinense 'Razzleberri': reaches an average of 4 to 6 feet tall and wide with raspberry-red flowers and leaves that bear a hint of burgundy.
  • L. chinense 'Shang-Red': also known by brand names Red Diamond or Purple Diamond ('Shang-hi') because they are nearly identical—both have rich burgundy foliage with deep red or purple-pink flowers; grows up to 6 feet tall.


These low-maintenance shrubs are extremely tolerant of the type of heavy pruning required for hedging, foundation plantings, and topiaries. However, fringe flower does not require this type of pruning, and grows into a naturally graceful shape that many appreciate. The flowers of this shrub bloom on old wood, so when pruning fringe flower, it is best to wait until after the blooming period in the summer to early fall.

Propagating Fringe Flower

Fringe flower can be propagated by softwood cuttings (fresh, new growth). Take these simple steps:

  1. Take 6-inch cuttings of softwood growth in the spring or summer.
  2. Remove the leaves on the bottom 2 to 3 inches of each cutting, ensuring that at least two sets of leaves are left on the top.
  3. Dip the bottom of the cuttings in a rooting hormone.
  4. Plant them in a pot with a 50/50 mixture of peat and perlite
  5. Place plastic bags over the potted cuttings and make sure the bags are large enough so they do not touch the cuttings. Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy.
  6. Successful cuttings develop roots within four to six weeks. Plant them in your garden the following growing season.


Fringe flower is popular in the southeastern United States, and it may survive in a colder climate but most likely will not be evergreen there. If your winters are frosty, increase the shrub's chances of survival by applying garden mulch to protect its root system and grow it where it will enjoy a warmer microclimate, such as a sheltered nook near a building.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Fringe flower plants are not especially susceptible to many pests or diseases, however, they can fall victim to common problems such as spider mites, aphids and root rot. The shrub may also be prone to diseases such as anthracnose and powdery mildew. A bacterial gall disease (caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi) could be found on leaves and stems of fringe flower shrubs growing in the southern parts of the United States.

How to Get Fringe Flower to Bloom

Fringe flower is an easy-going plant that should send out its fragrant flowers readily.

Bloom Months

Fringe flower blooms in the spring from March until April. Depending on your location, it may even bloom in what is technically still late-winter.

What Do Fringe Flower Blooms Look and Smell Like?

Fringe flower blooms consist of thin, white or pink petals that form a fringey or tassle-like shape. They emit a sweet fragrance that some consider similar to lilacs.

How to Encourage More Blooms

To encourage blooms, make sure your fringe flower is getting lots of sun and plenty of water. Though this plant is fairly drought-tolerant, a steady amount of moisture will lead to healthy blooming.

Caring for Fringe Flower After It Blooms

After your fringe flower plant is done blooming, care for it as you usually would. If you're certain that it's no longer flowering, you can prune it at this time, though pruning isn't required.

Deadheading Fringe Flower

There is no need to deadhead fringe flowers, which will not inspire a second round of blooms.

Common Problems With Fringe Flower

Fringe flower is an easy-care, fuss-free plant. However, you may encounter a couple of problems that indicate the plant is under stress.

Yellowing Leaves

The yellowing of leaves (called chlorosis) may mean the soil in which the fringe flower is growing is too alkaline, reaching over 7.0 pH. A problem with mites may also cause the leaves to yellow.

Leaves Won't Turn Purple

You may have a type of fringe flower that normally has green foliage for at least part of the year. But if you have the type that should have persistent purple leaves, it may be that your plant is either in too much shade, too much sun, or once again, the soil is too alkaline. If you think the plant is growing in the right lighting and soil conditions, try fertilizing it and see if the leaves turn purple over time.

  • What looks good with fringe flower?

    You may be wondering what looks good with a purple-leaf fringe flower. One of the best ways to create a beautiful contrast is to grow companion plants with grassy lime green, deep jade green, or brighter golden foliage. Also, try blue fescue ornamental grass for elegant color contrast.

  • How do you keep fringe flower purple?

    It's best to plant a type of fringe flower that offers four-season purple foliage color, such as the brands Red Diamond or Purple Diamond.

  • What is the difference between fringe flower and fringe tree, Chionanthus retusus?

    Fringe flower's other common name, Chinese fringe flower, is similar to the common name for Chionanthus retusus, Chinese fringe tree. Though they look nothing alike, there's always a lingering confusion between the two plants because of these nearly identical common names.

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  1. Loropetalum chinense 'Shang-Red' RED DIAMOND. Missouri Botanical Garden.

  2. Loropetalum. Home and Garden Information Center, Clemson University Cooperative Extension.