Gardening Plant Problems Garden Pests

10 Ideas for How to Get Rid of Groundhogs

Humane options like scented herbal repellents may do the trick

If groundhogs are eating your garden, it's critical to learn how to get rid of these animals naturally and humanely. There are both homemade groundhog remedies, like kitty litter and Epsom salt, and commercial products that can get rid of groundhogs fast.

Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are especially attracted to yards and gardens growing leafy greens, vegetables like carrots and celery, berries, and black cherry or dogwood trees. They can damage sheds, foundations, driveways, and retaining walls.

These rodents may also harm dogs if they get in a fight, and people can easily twist an ankle by stepping into a groundhog hole. Here's what you need to know to identify whether you have a groundhog problem and, if so, how to get rid of groundhogs naturally and humanely.

Illustration of methods to keep ground hogs out of yards

The Spruce / Xiaojie Liu

What Are Groundhogs?

These four-legged creatures look similar to gophers or beavers in body shape. They eat a wide variety of garden vegetables. They can also climb, so fruit on trees is also within reach.

Botanical name Marmota monax
Native region North America
Length 16-22 inches
Weight 5-13 pounds
Fur color Brownish gray
Tail Short

Groundhogs dig tunnels in the same relative fashion each time: They use their short front legs to dig inward for a few feet, then dig at a slight upward incline before going horizontal for up to 25 feet. Their burrows, where groundhogs spend most of their time, can be 50 feet long.

A woodchuck burrow often has one main entrance and one emergency escape entrance or "spy hole" where the groundhog can check its surroundings. The burrow's architecture is the biggest reason why groundhogs are so hard to get rid of.

Closeup of groundhog

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Closeup of two groundhogs emerging from a hole

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

A groundhog emerging from the ground.

Jenny Thompson / EyeEm / Getty Images

Groundhog in profile, with green grass in the background.
The groundhog is a medium-sized garden pest.

Anita Peeples / Getty Images

Signs of a Groundhog Infestation

A good indicator of a groundhog's presence in your garden is a hole 10 to 12 inches wide in the ground or under an outdoor storage shed with mounds of dirt outside of it to indicate the entrance to a tunnel. You might also notice chew or claw marks on your garden plants.

How to Humanely Get Rid of Groundhogs

  1. Predator Urine

    Cats are natural groundhog predators. Gardeners have had the most success using cat-urine-soaked kitty litter as a groundhog repellent. The urine smell works to drive away groundhogs.

    If a groundhog detects their presence (via the urine-soaked kitty litter), it will think twice about remaining in the area.

    You can purchase other forms of predator urine, such as that from a coyote or fox and have the same outcome. You'll have to reapply the litter as the smell fades and it gets washed away. It is a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to eliminate groundhogs.

  2. Epsom Salt

    Epsom salt is one of the cheapest ways to eliminate groundhogs without harming them. Sprinkle it around the perimeter of your garden and near groundhog burrows to discourage them from remaining in the area.

    While this is a natural and humane method to eliminate groundhogs, it will not be an ongoing effort. You'll likely need to reapply to ensure it's still effective after rainfall.

  3. Commercial Repellent

    Several commercial products are meant to eliminate groundhogs, which you can often purchase at farmers' supply stores. The repellents come in both granular and liquid forms. They must be reapplied periodically, especially after rain.

    Most granular repellents are based on smell and typically are poured right into groundhog burrows and around the openings. The liquid repellents drive groundhogs away with their taste. Apply them around the garden but not directly onto edible crops.

  4. Motion-Detecting Water Sprinklers

    Motion-activated sprinklers are a humane and natural way to eliminate groundhogs quickly. After detecting motion, these devices turn on and spray water at the offender, causing it to flee. One such product is called the Scarecrow Sprinkler.

    The caveat is they don't only target groundhogs but anything—including people and pets—that moves in their vicinity. You might not want to place one in a high-traffic area you use often.

    They can be effectively positioned around the property's perimeter or around a vegetable garden to keep groundhogs and other critters out.

  5. Row Covers and Fencing

    If you're focused on protecting crops, floating row covers can help to keep out groundhogs and other critters. Likewise, fencing—such as chicken-wire fences—can provide a more permanent solution.

    Make fences three to four feet high and leave the top foot of the chicken wire unattached to the posts to stop groundhogs from climbing and tunneling. Bend this uppermost foot outward.

    To discourage burrowing, bend the buried portion of the fence at a 90-degree angle about one foot below the ground. The bottom of the fence should point away from the garden.

  6. Natural Repellents

    Groundhogs have sensitive noses, so use that to your advantage with some natural rodent repellents.

    Groundhogs detest the scent of garlic, lavender, basil, chives, lemon balm, mint, sage, thyme, rosemary, and oregano. They do not like the smell and sting of cayenne pepper. Castor oil and apple cider vinegar are also good deterrents.

    These natural substances are a great deterrent when planted in your garden or sprinkled around plants you want to protect from nibbling groundhogs. You should also consider adding plants groundhogs avoid, like daffodils or butterfly weed, into your garden.

  7. Remove the Habitat

    Groundhogs gravitate toward tall vegetation, so removing any from your yard near their burrows will cause the animals to seek a home elsewhere.

    Not only can vegetation be a food source, but also tall grass and a shelter of plant debris helps groundhogs feel safe to start a burrow. Low grass will deter groundhogs from burrowing in that area.

  8. Hair Clippings

    Groundhogs hate the smell of humans, which is why human hair clippings is also a great method for getting rid of groundhogs. Place the hair in your vegetable garden and near burrow entrances.

    To avoid the hair blowing away the next blustery day, you can tuck them into a mesh bag and secure it to the ground.

  9. Remove Groundhog Nests

    Seal off uninhabited burrows to discourage groundhogs from taking residence, but first, make sure the inhabitants are gone.

    July to September is usually a good time to seal off a burrow. Late winter to early summer is usually the breeding season, so evicting groundhogs with babies can be inhumane.

    Before you fully seal it off, check for activity by loosely covering the hole with dirt, then returning five days later to see if it was disturbed. If not, the burrows are not occupied.

  10. Trap and Relocation

    Live trapping is a humane way to get rid of groundhogs, as you can safely move them to an environment that's more suitable for them. However, it's best to consult with professional wildlife handlers if you want to trap a groundhog.

    In some places, relocation is illegal or must be done by a professional to ensure the new spot is hospitable. Late winter to early spring is the best time for trapping groundhogs.

    If you're trapping at other times of the year, there are commercial products to help lure groundhogs into a trap if your food bait alone doesn't do the trick.

How to Prevent Groundhogs

  • Remove the plants and brush they enjoy hiding out in. Get rid of tall grasses and weeds, overgrown shrubs, and brush piles.
  • Groundhogs like to eat dandelions and clover, so keep your yard free of these common lawn weeds.
  • Remove any tree stumps or other old wood to make the environment less hospitable.
  • Plug groundhog holes with crushed stone to encourage their inhabitants to move and prevent others from taking up residence.

Use Humane Solutions

Since many humane options exist, killing is the last resort when dealing with a nuisance groundhog. Not only is it unpleasant, but you also have to consider the disposal of its carcass or risk attracting other unwanted animals.

Poison is a slow and painful death and runs the risk of domestic pets and children consuming it. Lethal traps are discouraged, since they can inadvertently trap many other types of animals, including household pets like cats.

Other cruel methods to avoid include using ammonia gas or spreading agricultural lime.

  • What do groundhogs hate most?

    Predator urine, such as that from a cat, is the most effective groundhog deterrent. The creatures also hate the smell of ammonia, vinegar, and garlic.

  • How can I get rid of a groundhog under my shed?

    To deter groundhogs from inhabiting an area under a shed, you can use mesh to block any tunnel entrances below the shed or spread hair clippings or predator urine around the shed to keep the critters from returning.

  • Are there benefits of having groundhogs in your yard?

    The most significant benefit of keeping groundhogs were around is that they aerate the soil, bringing much needed oxygen to your plants’ roots and let them release carbon dioxide. They also help mix the soil, bringing nutrients down below to microorganisms and minerals to the top for plants.

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  1. Managing Woodchuck Problems in Missouri. University of Missouri Extension.