Gardening Plants & Flowers Shrubs

How to Grow and Care for Jane Magnolia

Grown as a tree or shrub, its magnificent blooms arrive in late spring

Magnolia 'Jane' shrub branch with large pink and white flowers and buds

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Jane magnolia is a smaller hybrid of larger southern magnolias, and it is a hardier choice for cooler temperatures, still providing signature blooms. It grows well in full sun, but in areas that get hot summers, it will benefit from partial shade in the afternoon. Jane magnolia also tolerates most soils, as long as they are well-draining.

Common Name Jane magnolia
Botanical Name Magnolia 'Jane'
Family Magnoliaceae
Plant Type Shrub, tree
Mature Size 10-15 ft. tall, 8-12 ft. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Moist but well-drained
Soil pH Neutral, acidic
Bloom Time Spring
Flower Color Pink, white
Hardiness Zones 4-8 (USDA)
Native Area North America

Jane Magnolia Care

Water is the primary care requirement for Jane magnolia as it is established. Once the plant matures, it becomes less dependent on water. Here are the main care requirements for Jane magnolia:

  • Choose a sunny spot, ideally that gets at least six hours of unfiltered sunlight.
  • Prepare rich, well-draining soil.
  • Water regularly as the plant is becoming established, though it will ultimately be fairly drought-tolerant.
  • Fertilize in the spring every couple of years.
Magnolia 'Jane' shrub with long bare branches with large pink and white flowers

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Magnolia 'Jane' shrub bare branches with large pink and white flowers against blue sky

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Magnolia 'Jane' shrub branches with large pink and white flowers and buds

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault


Plant Jane magnolia in a location that has full sun or part shade. In cooler regions, opt for a full-sun site. The plant will benefit from partial shade in warmer regions. Avoid placing it in an area with warm southern exposure, which could encourage the buds to open too early in spring. If a magnolia gets too much hot sun, the blooms could suffer from sunscald.


Jane magnolia grows best in organically rich, medium-moisture, neutral to slightly acidic soil. Magnolias adapt easily to various soils, including clay, loam, or sand, but it doesn't do well in wet or poorly drained soils. Add a layer of root-zone mulch to help the soil retain moisture, but keep it 4 inches away from the plant's trunk.


This deciduous shrub must be watered weekly—two to three times per week—for the first growing season. Check the first 2 to 4 inches of soil to see if it's dry; if it is, it's time to water. When it's hot, increase the water to soak the ground up to 8 inches. If the magnolia is well-established, it's moderately tolerant to drought.

Temperature and Humidity

This shrub can tolerate temperatures as low as -20 or -30 degrees Fahrenheit. It also needs proper air circulation to avoid powdery mildew, its biggest threat.


Once Jane magnolia is established, fertilize it in the spring every two to three years. To fertilize, you can spread compost around the plant in spring and water it. Then, in early fall, use a fertilizer for acid-loving plants like Holly Tone. For the amount to use, follow product label instructions.

Types of Magnolia

Magnolia 'Jane 'is part of the eight Little Girl Series of hybrid magnolias developed in the 1950s. Magnolia 'Jane' was created by botanists Francis DeVos and William Kosar at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. 'Jane' is a cross between M. liliiflora ''Reflorescens' and M. stellata 'Waterlily.'

Magnolia 'Pinkie': a cross between 'Reflorescens' and 'Rosea.' It is a shorter shrub, about 11 feet tall, featuring larger flowers (7 inches wide); like Jane magnolia, it's a late spring bloomer.

Six other hybrids are crosses between Magnolia liliflora 'Nigra' and M. stellata 'Rosea.' They differ in color, size, and bloom time:

  • 'Ann': Deep purple-pink; grows about 12 feet tall; early spring bloomer.
  • 'Betty': Pink-purple; grows about 15 feet tall; midseason bloomer.
  • 'Judy': Light pink-purple, doesn't open wide; shorter shrub, about 9 feet tall; produces smaller blooms (3 inches wide); midseason bloomer.
  • 'Susan': Deep red-purple; grows about 15 feet tall; midseason bloomer.
  • 'Randy': Red-purple; smaller shrub, grows about 11 feet tall; midseason bloomer.
  • 'Ricki': Red-purple; smaller shrub, grows about 11 feet tall; midseason bloomer; similar to 'Randy' but produces slightly larger flowers.


Jane magnolia doesn't need much pruning during the first few years, if at all. As a general rule of thumb, the earliest-flowering trees and shrubs set flower buds the previous year, so do not prune before the bloom period in the spring. Only remove dead or damaged branches immediately after the plant flowers.

It is advisable to prune away any suckers that might develop to keep the shrubs looking neat. If you need to reshape your magnolia, wait until after bloom. Beyond that, do not prune the Jane magnolia at all. Jane magnolia trees or shrubs do not heal well from heavy cutting.

Propagating Jane Magnolia

Jane magnolia is a sterile plant, meaning it doesn't produce seeds and must be propagated via cuttings. Here's how:

  1. Choose stems between softwood and semi-hardwood growth, and take them in the morning when the plant is holding more moisture.
  2. Snip 4 to 6 inches off the chosen stem with sharp pruning shears and wrap it in a wet paper towel.
  3. Dip the bottom of the cutting into a rooting hormone that contains IBA with 4,000 to 5,000 parts per million solution.
  4. Plant it immediately in a 5-inch pot filled with moist potting soil, using a misting chamber if you have one available. The cuttings will form roots within eight weeks.


Jane Magnolia is a cold-hardy tree that can survive freezing winter temperatures. At the extreme edges of its range, you can wrap in burlap and mulch around the base during deep freeze periods.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Jane magnolia is a hardy shrub with few pest or disease problems that are serious enough to warrant treatment. Powdery mildew can occur on leaves that are overcrowded and kept too moist. Also, leaf spot can affect magnolia leaves due to fungal and bacterial causes, but this is rare. Other potential disease problems include anthracnose and canker; you can use copper fungicides to get these under control. 

Insect problems are rare, but if you notice anything bothering the tree, you might occasionally see weevils, snails, scale, and thrips. To maintain control of the plant, spray the entire plant with horticultural oil, an effective organic pest control method.

How to Get Jane Magnolia to Bloom

Bloom Months

Jane magnolia tends to bloom in spring, in April or May, and it may rebloom in the summer.

What Do Jane Magnolia Flowers Look and Smell Like?

The signature pink-purple magnolia flowers on this plant are about 4 inches wide and have white centers. Jane magnolia flowers have a light fruity scent.

How to Encourage More Blooms

The main factor affecting the plant's blooms is water. This shrub loves moist soil and will produce flowers only if watered regularly. Another reason a Jane magnolia might not bloom is that it was pruned too deeply, removing the coming season's buds, so prune with caution. Use a slow-release fertilizer in early spring to help your tree grow faster, which may also encourage a second bloom in summer.

Caring for Jane Magnolia After It Blooms

There isn't any particular care needed post-blooming for Jane magnolia, but make sure it continues to get enough water.

Deadheading Jane Magnolia Flowers

Jane magnolia flowers don't require deadheading. They fall to the ground once spent, usually lasting up to a month.

Common Problems With Jane Magnolia

Jane magnolia is a solid hybrid that is easy to care for and resistant to most pests and diseases. Like any plant, it is vulnerable to environmental conditions and external factors.

Leaves Wilt and Brown

If leaves wilt and turn brown, the problem is likely leaf scorch caused by under-watering. Keeping the soil moist will halt the situation and encourage optimal growth.

Twig Death

Verticillium wilt is a rare fungal infection but can occur in any tree infiltrated by a soil-borne fungus, Verticillium dahliae. It is difficult to identify, but the first sign of the disease is twig dieback. The fungus enters the vascular tissues of the plant and usually spreads quickly. The fungus blocks the water-conducting vessels and causes eventual plant death.

In larger or mature trees, the disease can persist for many years before it kills the tree. It's not reversible since it is systemic. You can postpone the tree's death by keeping it fertilized and watered thoroughly.

Dusty Leaves

If the leaves of your Jane magnolia appear to have a layer of dust sprinkled on its leaves, it likely has powdery mildew. It commonly occurs at the height of summer. It may start as powdery, whitish spots, then spreads to cover the entire leaf, including the underside. Leaves may eventually turn yellow and die, and branches may twist, break, or look disfigured. Treat it with fungicide or try effective home remedies such as a diluted milk solution or baking soda and water spray.

  • How tall does Jane magnolia get?

    Jane magnolia shrubs can grow to be 10 to 15 feet tall.

  • Are Jane magnolias messy?

    Magnolias are known to be messy trees, mainly because they're large trees with large flowers. Jane magnolias are one of the neater magnolias since they're smaller, producing less of a flowering mess.

  • Do Jane magnolia flowers smell good?

    The flowers have a light, pleasant fragrance but will not perfume your yard with a notable scent.

  • What is an alternative to Jane magnolia?

    While there are several magnolia varieties to choose from, another flowering tree choice is the tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), which features lovely yellow flowers and bright fall foliage.