Gardening Plants & Flowers Flowers

How to Grow and Care for Nippon Daisies

Nippon or Montauk daisies

The Spruce / Autumn Wood

Nippon daisies, also referred to as Montauk daisies, are herbaceous, perennial flowers that start blooming in the late summer and persist until frost. They thrive in well-draining soil and in full sun, but they can handle part shade in hotter areas. Though Nippon daises are native to Japan, they are grown as perennials in mild-to-warm areas of the United States, in USDA zones 5-9.

Common Names Nippon daisy, Montauk daisy
Botanical Name Nipponanthemum nipponicum
Family Asteraceae
Plant Type Perennial, herbaceous
Mature Size 18-36 in. tall, 18-36 in. wide
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Soil Type Well-drained
Soil pH Acidic
Bloom Time Summer, fall
Flower Color White
Hardiness Zones 5-9 (USDA)
Native Area Asia

Nippon Daisy Care

This perennial is easy to grow in any sunny location with well-draining soil. Here are the main care requirements for growing Nippon daisies:

  • Choose a sunny location that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Prepare well-draining soil, ideally on the acidic side.
  • Water initially, though Nippon daises are fairly drought-tolerant once established.
  • Fertilize lightly in the spring if your soil is nutrient-deficient.
Montauk daisies in a container
The Spruce / Autumn Wood 
Montauk daisies
The Spruce / Autumn Wood 
Montauk daisy flower
The Spruce / David Beaulieu


This plant likes to grow in full sun. However, in hot climates, some afternoon shade is preferable.


The Nippon daisy grows well in average, dry, slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5 to 6.5). It will tolerate most soil types as long as there is good drainage. Soggy soil can kill the plant.


Because this plant prefers dry soil and is quite tolerant of drought, it likely won’t need much supplemental watering beyond rainfall. Water if your area has an extended period of drought and the plant starts to wilt.

Temperature and Humidity

Nippon daisies prefer warm but not excessively hot conditions, and they tolerate a wide range of humidity levels. Any abnormal temperature extremes within its growing zones can damage or kill the plant, though this is rare. Frost will cause the plant to naturally die back to ground level for the winter.


Fertilizer is typically unnecessary for Nippon daisies, and excessive feeding can cause yellow or floppy stems. But if you have very poor soil, you can use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer in the early spring.


This plant doesn't need much in the way of pruning. For a bushy, upright growth habit, slightly cut back new growth in the spring. But avoid pruning once flower buds have appeared. Moreover, remove spent flowers throughout the summer to encourage the plant to continue blooming.

Propagating Nippon Daisies

Nippon daisies are very easy to propagate by lifting and dividing the root clumps, which also helps the plants maintain their vigor. Division is best done in the spring every two to three years just as new growth begins.

  1. Water the daisies deeply a few hours before you plan to divide them to soften the soil and roots.
  2. Use a pitchfork or shovel to loosen the soil, and carefully lift the plants out of the ground with their roots.
  3. Separate the root clump into sections by gently pulling it apart with your hands, keeping the roots as intact as possible. Discard any portions that look withered or otherwise unhealthy.
  4. Replant the divided clumps in a suitable location at the same depth as the original plant. Keep it well watered until you see new growth.

Potting and Repotting Nippon Daisies

Because Nippon daisies can get up to 3 feet tall and wide,, you need a large planter, at least 25 inches in diameter, with good drainage holes, and from a heavy material such as terra cotta or glazed ceramic that does not topple over easily. Fill the container with potting mix and remember that potted plants dry out much faster than in-ground plants so they need more frequent watering.

Repot them when the roots start filling the pot and growing out of the drain holes. Divide the clump into smaller sections like you would in-ground plants.


Nippon daisies are hardy to USDA zone 5 and as they die back during the winter, they require no winter protection. Container plants are more vulnerable, as their roots are exposed. If you live in a location with cold winters, wrap the container in burlap plus bubble wrap, or protect the container with an insulation silo.

Common Plant Diseases

Serious pest and disease problems are rare with the Nippon daisy. But fungal diseases, including stem rot and leaf spot, can occasionally occur. Overwatering or excessively wet weather usually are the cause of these diseases. Also, make sure the plants aren't crowded and have good air circulation. Be on the lookout for brown or black spots on the leaves and stems. If the disease is severe, an all-purpose fungicide can be applied.

How to Get Nippon Daisies to Bloom

Nippon daisies should bloom readily, provided they get enough sunlight, offering you cheery, white flowers.

Bloom Months

Nippon daisies are fall bloomers, producing flowers in September and October.

What Do Nippon Daisies Look and Smell Like?

Nippon daisy flowers are about two to three inches wide, with white petals and yellow centers. They offer a bit of a musky smell that is disliked by some.

How to Encourage More Blooms

If your daisies fail to bloom, the reason is often too little sunlight, or too much nitrogen, which produces lots of foliage but no flowers. Nippon daisies need full sun to bloom. When you realize that they are not blooming the way they should, it might already too late to add fertilizer for the season. Next spring, give them a bloom-boosting fertilizer that is high in phosphorous.

Caring for Nippon Daisies After They Bloom

No unique care is needed for Nippon daisies after blooming, as winter approaches. You may want to prune your Nippon daisy plants at this time, or you can wait until spring.

Deadheading Nippon Daisy Flowers

Deadhead Nippon daisy flowers as they fade, which will encourage the plant to produce even more flowers.

Common Problems with Nippon Daisies

Fortunately, Nippon daises are relatively problem-free, though their lower leaves will drop as the plant approaches winter dormancy.

Plant Leaves Falling Off

Towards the end of the summer, the lower leaves on the stems of Nippon daisies often turn yellow then brown or black and drop. This is a natural process as the plant gets ready to enter dormancy in the fall. Do not fertilize the plant, as any new grow will make the plant more vulnerable to the impending cold. Instead, plant Nippon daisies in the back of a flower bed where the bare stems are less obvious.

  • Are Nippon daisies native to the United States?

    Nippon daisies are native to the coastal regions of Japan but have naturalized on Long Island, New York, near Montauk, hence its other common name.

  • Are Nippon daisies invasive?

    The daisies are very hardy, and once established, they remain and spread. However, they are not listed as invasive.

  • What is the difference between Shasta daisies and Nippon daisies?

    The two daisies look similar, but a sure way to keep them apart is that Nippon daisies bloom in the late summer and early fall, whereas Shasta daisies bloom in the spring and summer.

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  1. Nipponanthemum nipponicum. Missouri Botanical Garden.